G1's lab history
Once upon a time........
G1's Lab sushi party at 박선장.
2021.11.20 의과대학 수시 면접 위원, KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 2021.11.08 Attendance at seminar, "How dietary nutrients are metabolized and distributed across organs.", KNU, WebEX. 2021.11.05 Invited lecture, "New lineage tracing tools for the human developmental biology." Joint Institute for Regenerative Medicine (JIRM), KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.11.04 G1's lab Invites Dr. Hye Rin Na from TONY investment, Seoul, Korea. "How start-ups are changing the world", Biomedical Science Seminar, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.10.28
G1's Lab BBQ party at 소나무향.
2021.10.26 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 이사회" 2021.10.20 Ji Won publish the paper at "Nature Communications", Congratulation!! 2021.10.20 KNU School of Medicine (KNU SOM) Entrepreneur meeting. 2021.10.17 Attendance at "Korean Hair Research Society(KHRS) 이사회" 2021.10.16~10.17 Attendance at "Korean Dermatological Association (KDA)'s The 73rd Autumn meeting", InterContinental Seoul COEX, Seoul, Korea. 2021.10.13 Attendance at "삼성미래기술육성재단 2021년 2차 선정 연구책임자 간담회", WebEX. 2021.10.11 "삼성미래기술육성사업 2021년 2차(Samsung Science & Technology Foundationt)" 기초과학분야 지원과제 선정. 2021.10.01 Promoted to associate professor! Congratulations on the promotion of Professor Ji Won Oh!!! 2021.09.30 Attendance at “2021년 식품의약품안전처 의약품 허가특허연계제도 교육-심화 과정” Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA), Zoom. 2021.09.29 Attendance at “2021년 식품의약품안전처 의약품 허가특허연계제도 교육-기초 과정” Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA), Zoom. 2021.09.29 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.09.24 Attendance at seminar, "Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy (Theranostics) with Copper-64 and Copper-67 Complexes", KNU, WebEX. 2021.09.23 Invited lecture, "The Use of Animal Models in Studying Human Disease", Biomedical Science Seminar. Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Invitation by Prof. Obin Kwon. 2021.09. 21 Ji Won publish the paper at "The Spine Journal", Congratulation!! 2021.09.16 BRIC 한빛사 Interview, Korea. Nanda. 2021.09.10~09.11 Collaboration meeting "NK cells: Bench to Clinic" with Prof. Hyo Jin Kang and Prof. Kyong-Wook Yi. Korea University Ansan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.09.06-09.07 Invited to Session Chairs, "Session 1. Single Cell Genomics", The 30th KOGO Annual Conference, Virtual Symposium(Zoom). 2021.09.02 Youtube interview with KNU Hospital. 2021.09.01 Attendance at seminar, "How to Get Published in the Cell Press Journal", Cell Press. 2021.08.27 First scientific meeting with Prof. Sekyu Choi from Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea. 2021.08.27 Invited lecture, "Clonal dynamics in early human embryogenesis inferred from somatic mutation" Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE), KNU College of Pharmacy Medical Research Center(MRC), WebEX. 2021.08.26 Oral presentation, "Human blastocyst lineage tracing map for understanding early human embryogenesis" "삼성미래기술육성사업 2021년 2차(Samsung Science & Technology Foundationt)" 기초과학분야 선정 심사 발표. 2021.08.25 Ji Won, Nanda, Jeong-Woo, Jung Min, Donghyun, June Hyug, Seong Gyu, Joo Hee publish the paper at "Nature", Congratulation!! 2021.08.24 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 상임 이사회", Zoom. 2021.08.21 Invited lecture, Jung Min and Mee Sook. Dr. Mee Sook Jun: "Hair research using drug repurposing" Jung Min Park: "Lineage tracing of hair stem cell using 3D-tissue clearing" The Korean Hair Research Society (KHRS)'s 19th Hair Forum, Star Ballroom, 8th floor, Yousung Hotel, Daejeon, Korea. Areum, Jung Min, Mee Sook and Ji Won. 2021.07.23 매일신문 interview, Research Institute, Immunesquare Inc., Gyeongsan, Korea. 2021.07.16~07.17 Invited lecture, "The human embryonic lineage tracing by Spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Korean Working Group on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences of The Korean Society of Cardiology. Conference Room 3, Exhibition Center 2, BEXCO, Busan, Korea. 2021.07.16 Attendance at "The BK21 Four Program hosted an Invited Seminar", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.07.16 Attendance at "교수개발 세미나", Prof. Dong Ho Park from Department of Ophthalmology, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 2021.07.09 KNU School of Medicine (KNU SOM) Entrepreneur meeting, Ji Won. 2021.06.30 Completes "LMO 책임자 교육", Ji Won. 2021.06.26 Invited lecture, Prof. Ji Won Oh: "Long hair and lineage tracing." Dr. Mee Sook Jun: "Methodological approach for developing new hair restoration drug base on drug repositioning." Symposium at Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS), On-line 학술대회. 2021.06.26 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 학술부이사 meeting" 2021.06.25 Attendance at "제1회 뇌클러스터 실무 교육 프로그램", Online. Mi Kyung Choi, JaeEun Shin, CheolMin Jeon, Joo hee Hong, Seong Gyu Kwon, Jeong-Woo Choi, Dr. Mee Sook Jun and Ji Won. 2021.06.24 First collaboration meeting with Prof. Hyongbum Henry Kim, Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Seong Gyu Kwon and Ji Won. 2021.06.18 Attendance at "Hair Transplantation Center-Immunology lab faculty meeting", Cheongdo, Korea. 2021.06.10 Invited panel, "창업가 토크콘서트". Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea. 2021.06.07 Attendance at seminar, "SW capstone design mentoring" - Jae-soon Park, Daegu Catholic University 소프트웨어중심사업단, Zoom. 2021.06.04 Attendance at "대구경북 임상실습 CPX 모의 테스트 평가위원", 대구경북 임상수행평가 컨소시엄. 2021.06.04 Attendance at "의사과학자 운영위원회 회의", Online. 2021.05.30 Invited lecture, "The domain specific murine skin pattern and hair cycle evolution" The Korean Hair Research Society (KHRS), Hotel Samjung 2F Geranium Hall, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.28 Invited lecture, "From the grave to the cradle : The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.27-05.29 Collaboration meeting with Prof. Heon Yung Gee from Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.27 Attendance at "2021 융합형 의사과학자 양성 사업 설명회", Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI), Youtube. 2021.05.25 G1's lab Invites Prof. Jae-Ho Lee from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Osteology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.24 Ji Won publish the paper at "Current Biology", Congratulation!! 2021.05.20 G1's lab Invites Sook Lee from PhileKorea Technology. “nanoString Day: Spatial Genomics research - Understanding nanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler”, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.18 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyong Bum Kim from Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine. “Predicting the Efficiencies and Outcomes of Genome Editing and time-recording using Cas9” Medical Science Seminar, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.07-05.08 Invited panel, “창업가 토크 콘서트” Kumoh National Institute of Technology" (KNIT), Gumi, Korea. 2021.05.07 Attendance at 7th Gwanju-Boston Joint Cardiology Symposium, “Clonal dynamics in early human embryogenesis inferred from somatic mutation", Chonnam National University, Cell Regeneration Research Center (CRRC), Mudeung Park Convention Hall 4F(Online), Gwangju, Korea. 2021.05.04 G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Digestive System and Nutrition” KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.30 First meeting with Prof. Hyo Jin Kang from Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. and Prof. Kyong-Wook Yi from Korea University Ansan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.28 Attendance at "Korean Hair Research Society(KHRS) 이사간담회", Seoul Dragon City, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.27 G1's lab Invites Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Human Sense”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.27 Farewell party for Dr. Heejun Jung! Congratulation for the job!! 2021.04.25-04.26 Invited lecture, "Essentials of Hair Follicle Anatomy II. Schematic View of Follicle Regeneration" The Korean Associtation for Laser, Dermatology and Trichology (KALDAT), COEX 3F Hall C, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.22-04.24 Discussion on collaboration with Prof. So Won Kim from Department of Pharmacology, Ulsan University, Ulsan, Korea. 2021.04.21 Oral presentation, "From dead to birth: The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. Prof. Sung-Yup Cho, Prof. Obin Kwon and Ji Won. 2021.04.20 Attendance at seminar, "Merz Institute Expert Digital", Virtual Expert Summit. 2021.04.13 G1's lab Invites Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Gangwon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Medical Toxicology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.06 G1's lab Invites Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Gangwon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Medical Pharmacology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.01 Oral presentation, "Evolution of Corona Virus based on variant lineage tracing" 2021 Spring Symposium, Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine(KSLM), Online Symposium. 2021.03.30 First meeting with Dr. Hye Rin Na from TONY investment, Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.30 G1's lab Invites Dr. Seongyeol Park from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Basic of Internal Medicine 1” KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.25 Attendance at "의학교육 질 관리 위원회" for the accreditation of medical education, Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation (KIMEE). 2021.03.24 AZ vaccination(1st) for COVID19. 2021.03.23 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Basic of Neurology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.18 Attendance at seminar, "Antibody engineering for the development of therapeutic antibodies", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.11 Attendance at R&D seminar, "연구개발사업 과제설명회" with Seegene Inc., Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.04 Invited panel, "모발이식 이미지 AI 미팅", DATAWAY Inc., Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.03 G1's Lab new members introduction lunch, JaeEun, Geon Hue, Areum, CheolMin, Ji Won. 2021.03.02 JaeEun Shin, Areum Jo, Geon Hue Bae and CheolMin Jeon starts Master Course in KNU Welcome!! 2021.02.26 Oral presentation, "Developmental asymmetric division of zygote from dead body cell lineage tracing" KNUH 원내 과제 성과 발표, Bio-Medical Research Institute (BMRI) KNUH, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02. 19 Nanda publish the paper at "Ph.D. Thesis", Congratulation!! 2021.02.19 PhD Graduation, Biomedical Science, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02. 12 Ji Won publish the paper at "Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy", Congratulation!! 2021.02.04 Attendance at "Winter Medical Education Seminar", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02.03 Attendance at KNU College of Pharmacy Medical Research Center(MRC) seminar, "Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE) Public Presentation of Research Progress and Periodic Evaluation", WebEX. 2021.02.02 Meeting with Dr. Sunhyun Park from Korea Institute of Toxicology (KITOX). 2021.02.02 Meeting with Prof. Tae Hyung Kim and Prof. Jae Hyun Jun, Ji Won. 2021.02.01 Mi Kyung Choi joins G1’s lab. Welcome!! 2021.02.01 Gyung Choon Lee joins G1’s lab. Welcome!! 2021.01.26 Meeting with Prof. Yongsoo Kim, Amsterdam University Medical Center(Amsterdam UMC), Amsterdam Area, Netherlands. 2021.01.26 First discussion with Mi Kyung Choi. 2021.01.25 First collaboration meeting with Prof. Ho Lee from Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNU, Regional Leading Research Center(RLRC). 2021.01.22 Attendance at "대한심장학회 기초과학연구회 동계심포지엄 2021" GRAND BALLROOM 백두 section 3,4, Seoul Dragoncity, Seoul, Korea. 2021.01.21 First scientific discussion with Gyung Choon Lee (Clinical Research Nurse). 2021.01.19-01.20 Attendance at "R&D budget briefing" 2021.01.18 G1 Lab Invited the lecture, "Microbiota-gut-brain axis", KNU, WebEX. 2021.01.18 First scientific discussion with Se Young Lee. 2021.01.09 Attendance at "2021 lecture workshop", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.01.08 G1 Lab Invited the lecture, "Organs-on-Chips for Drug Development" ,KNU, WebEX. 2021.01.06 Donghyun starts alternative service as technical research personnel, PDXen Biosystems Co. Suwon, Korea. 2021.01.04 G1's Lab New year party, eating 마라탕.
G1's lab Lineage Tracing Team Agenda Meeting. Nanda, Mee Sook, Heejun, Jeong-Woo, Seong Gyu, Joo Hee, JaeEun, CheolMin, Areum, Geon Hue, Jaesun, Hyung Jin and Ji Won.
G1's lab Stem Cell Team Agenda Meeting. Mee Sook, Heejun, Donghyun, Jung Min, JaeEun, CheolMin, Areum, Geon Hue and Ji Won.
G1's Lab agenda meeting & Pizza party!
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Yun-Soo Bae from Life Sciences, Ewha womans University. Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Sung-hee Oh from Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine. Seoul, Korea.
Invited lecture, Mee Sook and Ji Won.
Dr. Mee Sook Jun: "The technique of drug development for hair growth and prevention of particulate matter (PM) effects."
Prof. Ji Won Oh: "Long hair and lineage tracing."
2020 Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Conference (APAAC) Hair Transplantation for Asians Live Surgery Symposium, EXCO, Daegu, Korea. Mee Sook and Ji Won.
Ph.D thesis presentation by Nanda.
"Cellular lineage tracing by somatic
variations for understanding human early
Prof. Weon Ju Lee, Prof. Young Kwan Sung, Prof. Sang-Hyun Kim, Prof. Ji Won Oh and Prof. Dong-Sun Kim from KNU School of Medicine,
Daegu, Korea.
Seong Gyu starts bioinformatics training in KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
Meeting with Prof. Sangwan Kim from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training at KNU Hospital Clinical Trial Center, Daegu, Korea. Donghyun.
Attendance at Opening Symposium for Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE), KNU College of Pharmacology, Daegu, Korea.
사회 공헌 연탄 배달 with Immunsquare Inc.
Meeting with Department of Anatomy and Microbiology lab, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Gyeongju, Korea.
Attendance at symposium, "2020 GALDERMA Continuing Dermatological Education(CDE)"
Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hilton Gyeongju, Gyeongju, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Theragen Inc. and Prof. Yu Kyung Kim from Department of Laboratory Medicine, KNU Hospital.
Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering(GSMSE), Jeonghwan Youk, Ryul Kim, Seongyeol Park, Kijong Yi, Ji-Hyung Park and Jongsoo Yoon.
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Chang Hoon Seo from Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF), KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at seminar, "의학자로 세계에서 이름나기 (엘스비어 신경해부학 교과서를 펴내면서)"
Prof. Min Suk Chung, Department of Anatomy, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea.
Oral presentation, "Long hairs rely on continuous progenitor-making activity of stem cells."
2020 The Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology (KSID) e-symposium.
Field trip at Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF). Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, "Developmental asymmetric division of zygote from dead body cell lineage tracing".
2020 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea. Seoul, Korea. Ji Won.
Collaboration meeting on mouse experiment with Prof. Mooseung Lee from Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB). KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Theragen Inc.
Seongnam, Korea.
2020.09.10, 09.28
Meeting with 의대생 비상대책위원회. KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. So Won Kim from Department of Pharmacology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine.
Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
JaeEun Shin joins G1’s lab. Welcome!!
First scientific discussion with JaeEun Shin.
Attendance at R&D seminar, "분자진단 대중화를 위한 연구개발사업 과제설명회" with Seegene Inc.
경하홀, KNU, Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at "DGMIF 지원사업 설명회."
Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF), Daegu, Korea. Ji Won, Seong Gyu and CheolMin.
JaeEun and Jeong-Woo complete BioData Engineer Course.
Geon Hue Bae starts internship in KNU.
Dr. Mee Sook Jun joins G1’s lab. Welcome!!
Attendance at "16th Annual Meeting of The Korean Hair Research Society".
Korean Hair Research Society (KHRS), Seoul Dragon City, Seoul, Korea.
First scientific discussion with Geon Hue Bae.
Pig sample collection in National Institute of Animal Science. Jeong Woo, Seong Gyu, CheolMin and Joo hee.
Attendance at symposium "스퀘어 재조합 단백질 심포지엄."
Research Institute, Immunesquare Inc., Gyeongsan, Korea.
G1's Lab BBQ party at Research Institute, Immunesquare Inc.
Gyeongsan, Korea. All members including interns.
Interview meeting with Dr. Kunwoo Lee, CEO of Genedit. South San Francisco, USA.
G1's lab, KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
CheolMin Jeon starts an internship in KNU.
First scientifc discussion with CheolMin Jeon.
Dr. Heejun Jung joins G1’s lab. Welcome!!
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Daeui Park from Convergent Research of Emerging Virus Infection (CEVI).
Collaboration meeting with Clinical Omics Center.
Collaboration meeting with Prof, Eun-Ju Choi, Daegu Catholic University. Daegu, Korea.
G1's Lab Wiki at Notion opens officially.
Hyung Jin starts an internship in KNU.
Hee Kyung Choi joins G1's Lab. Welcome!!
First scientific discussion with Hyung Jin Kim.
Invited lecture, "Introductory Thanatology : 죽음과 관련된 법적 이슈, 죽음의 법적 정의, 관련 법적 이슈, 사망진단서 실습."
KNU, Daegu, Korea.
First scientific meeting with Prof. Sangwoo Kim, Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics, Yonsei University College of Medicine.
Seoul, Korea. Seong Gyu and Ji Won.
Meeting with medical student interns.
Heon Do, JoungEui, SeongHui, Seon Woo, Seong Gyu and Ji Won.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Sunhyun Park from Korea Institute of Toxicology (KITOX).
"Easy tissue clearing mediated imaging of the brain & tissues using SunHyun Method.", 의과학세미나, KNU, Daegu, Korea.
SeongHui starts an internship in KNU.
First scientific discussion with SeongHui Park.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering(GSMSE), Seongyeol Park, Ryul Kim and Jongsoo Youn.
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
JoungEui starts an internship in KNU.
Meeting in Convergent Research of Emerging Virus Infection (CEVI).
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRITC), Daejeon, Korea, Seong Gyu and Ji Won.
First scientific discussion with JoungEui Hong.
Heon Do starts an internship in KNU.
First scientific discussion with Heon Do Lee.
First scientific discussion with Dr. Mee Sook Jun.
First collaboration meeting with Convergent Research of Emerging Virus Infection (CEVI) and Theragen Etex Bio Institute.
Seong Gyu and Ji Won.
G1's Lab Membership Training at Pension AinHouse in Chungju, Korea.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Jin Kyeong Choi from Department of Immunology, Jeonbuk National University Medical School.
"Interleukin 27-producing regulatory innate B-1a cells (i27-Bregs) inhibit CNS autoimmune diseases."
의과학세미나, KNU, Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Thermo Fisher. Ji Won.
Presentation, "창의단: 리더연구 선정평가 본평가."
Orakai-Cheonggyesan hotel, Seoul, Korea.
Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering(GSMSE) with Ji Won.
Invited lecture, "Somatic variants: The heterogeneous domain in the mammalian hair follicles and a human body."
의학연구방법론 세미나, KNU, Daegu, Korea.
First scientific discussion meeting with Dr. Heejun Jung
Collaboration experiment in Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.
Jeong-Woo, Seong Gyu and Donghyun.
Collaboration experiment in Binaree Inc. Research Institute, Daegu, Korea.
Jung Min.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Jae-Sung Woo from College of Life Science & Biotechnology, "Korea University, "초저온전자현미경과 생명과학의 미래"
Bio-Medical Seminar, Division of Biomedical Science, KNU Graduate school, Daegu, Korea.
Farewell party for Dr. Jooyoung Kim! Congratulation for the job!!
Invited talk, "Recent advance of Somatic variants and 3D tissue clearing methods."
KNU seminar, Daegu, Korea.
Appointment to Adjunct Researcher, Ji Won.
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), Daegu, Korea.
Joo hee starts Master course in KNU. Welcome!!
Seong Gyu starts PhD course in KNU. Welcome!!
KNU School of Medicine (KNU SOM) Entrepreneur meeting.
Seong Gyu starts an internship in KNU.
Workshop for Advanced Marketing, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea, Ji Won.
Attendance at KBRI-ZEISS Correlative Microscopy Joint Workshop.
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), Daegu, Koera.
Nanda, Donghyun and Jung Min.
2020 Osteology Camp at KNU School of Medicine. Daegu, Koera,
Attendance at "Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBi) - BIML workshop" College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul. Korea.
Visiting KAIST for LCM learning, Daejeon, Korea. Joo hee and Nanda.
JaeSun starts an internship in KNU.
Dead body sample collection in KNU Hospital.
G1's Lab Annual Skating day.
G1's Lab Lunch day 진흥 반점 - 전국 3대 짬뽕 맛집.
Workshop for Medical Education of KNU School of Medicine, Busan Shilla Stay, Busan, Korea.
G1's Lab New year
party 갈비탕 in 금이옥.
Entrepreneur meeting, KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
Training mentorship time for Neungin High School Students. Ji Won.
Selected as Tech Valley Company from 2019 Tech-Valley Network, KIBO.
Samjung Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
G1’s lab Alumni party with Ji Won, Yong Hyun, SooWoong, Se Jin, Hyo Jin, and Suwan.
Daegu medical start-up & Job application business performance presentation.
Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI) in Daegu, Korea.
KNU Center for Teaching & Learning in Daegu, Korea with Prof. Bong Hyun Chang.
“해부학 수업에서 학생중심 평가문제 제작 소그룹 수업이 학업성취도와 수업 만족도에 미치는 영향”
KNU Center for Teaching & Learning in Daegu, Korea.
G1’s lab Welcome Party for Joo hee & Seong Gyu.
DGMIF – KNU School of Medicine Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
G1's lab Membership Training at Mungyeong, JIGA Resort.
Invited talk. "Asymmetric division of zygote from dead body whole genome sequencing lineage tracing."
2019 2nd Korea Brain Bank Network (KBBN) Clinicpathology Symposium at Korea Brain Research Institute in Daegu, Korea. Ji Won.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sang-Yeob Kim from Asan Medical Center "광학영상에서의 중개연구."
Dr. Jun Hyung Park from Dt& Sano Medics. "From Bench to Clinic (CRO 업무 소개)."
Open Lab at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at 무돌 세미나 "A synthetic biology approach to enzyme engineering."
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting.
Invited lecture, "기증된 시신의 DNA 유전자 서열 빅데이터 분석을 통한 우리 몸의 기원 찾기"
대구가톨릭대학교 SW중심대학사업단, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Korea, Ji Won.
Open Lab KNU School of Medicine.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Ji Won, Jooyoung, Nanda, Jeong-Woo, Donghyun, Jung Min, and Joo hee.
Attendance at Dynamic Innovator "Understanding intellectual property rights for Start-ups."
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
Invited lecture. "The human cellular lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies."
Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. Prof. Kang-Yell Choi, Dr. Soung-Hoon Lee. Ji Won.
2019 위령제, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
69th Annual Meeting Korean Association of Anatomists.
The Ocean Resort, Yeosu, Korea. Ji Won, Jooyoung, Jung Min, Jeong-Woo and Nanda.
"From dead body to birth : The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Ji Won.
"Deep tissue clearing imaging for 3D analysis of the murine vasculature system" Nanda.
"High-intensity ladder-climbing resistance exercise suppresses exacerbation of dermatitis in mice" Jooyoung.
"In vivo study of mouse skin pattern development" Jung Min.
"Signature genes in macrodactyly through transcriptome network analysis reveal their association of lipid metabolism" Jeong-Woo.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Kung Ahn from Theragen inc. "NGS의 기초와 응용."
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Class Seminar
Preliminary Startup Package Capacity Reinforcement Training.
Korea Technology Finance Corporation at Harim International Building Cozy Sapce in Seoul, Korea.
Attendance at Innovative New Drug Salon Daegu, Bridge Biotherapeutics, Inc. CEO Jungkue Lee.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Obin Kwon from Seoul National University College of Medicine.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at Dynamic Innovator “Accounting practical affairs for start-ups.”
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju and Prof, Jong Kyoung Kim at DGIST.
Mentorship dinner for graduate students at DGIST.
Attendance at Opening Ceremony.
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank Central Square. in Daegu, Korea.
Curry day!
Ji Won publishes the paper at The Journal of investigative dermatology. Congratulation!!
U-Tech Valley.
의과학과 발표, Ji Won.
Invited talk, "Deep tissue clearing image for 3D analysis of the murine vascular system."
대학원 의과학과 학술대회, KNU SOM, Nanda.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting.
Invited as an expert on Cadaver Law.
Korea National Institute For Bioethics Policy (KoNIBP) in Seoul, Korea. Hosted by Ministry Of Health & Welfare (MOHW).
LMO Education at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine.
Jeong-Woo, Jung Min and Donghyun.
Attendance at Amazon Start-up successful in America Lecture.
The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea. Hosted by Nextelligence, inc.
Attendance at Y&ARCHER mentor marketing lectures.
Invited talk, "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies."
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea. Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
Joo hee Hong joins G1's Lab. Welcome!!
Meeting of 2019 Local University Excellence Scientists.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Daejeon, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Chang Hoon Seo.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
2019 Investment Forum.
Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel in Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Jong-Yeon Shin.
Macrogen, Inc. in Gyeonggi, Korea.
Invited talk. "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis" The Korean Society of Cardiology (KSC) 2019 Symposium at Bexco in Busan, Korea.
CEO 해외 미팅, Ji Won.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Young Bae Ryu, Director of Functional Bio Material Research Center.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Jeongeup, Korea.
Attendance at 무돌 세미나, "CD8 T cell's heterogeneity dicates divergent effector fates upon viral infection."
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
2019 Galderma CDE. Maison GLAD Hotel in Jeju, Korea.
Daegu Startup education.
Daegu Start-up Campus at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting with Hyung-Soo Han, Seong Woo Jeon, Su-Kyeong Hwang & Ji Won Oh.
R&D Special Zone Start-up Campus Presentation.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Soung-Hoon Lee at Yonsei University.
BioCube start-up camp. Hosted by KoreaBio and Bluepoint partners.
Coex in Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Thermo Fisher in Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "3D Tissue Clearing Methods for the Biomedical Research"
Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator (GBSA) in Suwon. Korea.
Invited lecture. "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis." Chonnam National University School of Medicine in Gwangju, Korea. Prof. Gwang Hyeon Eom and Prof. Hyun Kook.
Invited Talk "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies."
17th, GICS 2019 at Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju, Korea.
Attendance at Innovative New Drug Salon.
Dr. Tae Hyung Kim. Theragen Etex Bio Institute, Inc.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, "From death to birth: human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis."
The 19th Hamamatsu - Kyungpook joint Medical Symposium.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Immune Square, Inc. Ji Won.
Dr. Jooyoung Kim joins G1's Lab. Welcome!!
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sungyong You from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
“Toward Clinical Utility of Prostate Cancer Classifier Using A Circulating Tumor Cell-RNA Assay. “
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance Seminar, Prof Suk-Chul Bae in Chungbuk National University (CBNU), Korea.
“RUNX3 regulates cell cycle-dependent chromatin dynamics by functioning as a pioneer factor of the restriction-point.“
Kyungpook National University Hospital Chilgok in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at Busan Pre-Entrepreneur Pre-Education Session.
Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development in Busan, Korea.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Chang-Won Hong from Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Introduction to Physiology and Immunology.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
Teacher's day! Cake party!
Invited talk, "예과 1학년 대상 세미나"
Attendance at Consulting in Daegu Bank.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Digestive System and Nutrition.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Human Sense.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Dr. Jeonghwan Youk in KAIST GSMSE, Korea.
“Basic of Internal Medicine 2”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Korea.
“Medical Toxicology”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Sung-Yon Kim from Seoul National University Dept of Chemistry, Korea.
“A neural mechanism for monitoring and controlling ingestion “
Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate school, Division of Biomedical Science , Bio-medical Seminar.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Korea.
“Basic of Neurology.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science .
G1's lab Invites, Dr. Seongyeol Park from KAIST GSMSE, Korea.
“Basic of Internal Medicine 1”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Korea.
“Medical Pharmacology”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST, Korea
“Single genome sequencing of normal cells reveals developmental lineage trees of early human embryogenesis”
Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School, Division of Bio-Medical Science , Bio-Medical Seminar.
G1’s Lab invites, Dr. Jin Kyeong Choi, National Eye Institute of National Institutes of Health (NIH) in U.S.
“Inteleukin-27-producing B cells suppress CNS autoimmune disease.”
Kyoungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
G1's lab picnic at Gyeongju.
Attendance at C-Quad Pre-Entrepreneur Package Information Session.
Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI) in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju and Dr. Jong-Yeon Shin.
Macrogen, Inc. in Gyeonggi, Korea.
2019.03.11, 22, 28
Request For Proposal (RFP) Work Next-BioGroup.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea.
Expert Advisory Council, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea. Ji Won
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Research Deputy. Ji Won
Jung Min starts PhD course in KNU.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Tae-Don Kim and Dr. Moo-Seung Lee.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Daejeon, Korea.
Jung Min gets Master degree in KNU.
Invited talk, “From the death to the origin.”
BIO Institute Theragenetex BIO Institute (TBI) in Suwon, Korea. Dr. Tae Hyung Kim.
Invited talk, “3D Tissue Clearing Methods”
INTERPARK Bio-Convergence Center in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
2019 Osteology Camp at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, “Current Advance in Tissue Clearing Methods”
KonKuk University (KU) GLOCAL Campus in Chungju, Korea.
Collaboration meeting.
Animals Genetic Resources Research Center of National Institute of Animal Science in Namwon, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Young Bae Ryu, Director of Functional Bio Material Research Center.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Jeongeup, Korea.
Invited talk, “3D Tissue Clearing Methods for the Biomedical Research.”
2019 International Congress on Regenerative Medicine in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary Celebration.
Joint Institute for Regenerative Medicine (JIRM) at Novotel, Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. So Won Kim at Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine.
Collaboration meeting with INTERPARK Bio-Convergence Center.
Attendance at KSSCR 2019 Winter Conference in Konjiam Resort, Gwangju, Korea.
Invited talk, “Heterogeneity of Human and Mouse Skin.”
Gyeongsang National University (GNU) in Jinju, Korea. Prof. Ki Hun Park.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Hyo-Jun Choo.
Poultry Research Institute of National Institute of Animal Science in Gangwon, Korea.
Areum Jo joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
Invited lecture, “Hair Science and Cloning”
2018 The Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Course (APAAC) in Daegu EXCO, Korea.
Master's Degree thesis presentation by Jung Min.
" A guide to study murine hair follicle cycling and skin pattern evolution in vivo".
Prof. Ji Won Oh, Prof. Young Kwan Sung and Prof. Jung Min Kim.
MOU Signing, “Alzheimer and Vascular Dementia using Human Brain Bank Tissue”
KNU Chilgok Hospital Brain Bank and Binaree, Inc. in Daegu, Korea.
Invited workshop instructor, "2018 2nd Translational transcriptome analysis hands-on workshop"
Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, “The heterogeneous domain in the mammalian hair follicles and a human body”
2018 MRC 성과발표회 International meeting Room.
The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) Center in Seoul, Korea.
2018 위령제, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Ji Won and Nanda publish the paper at Applied Sciences. Congratulation!!
Attendance at 4th Workshop of The Korea Hair Research Society (KHRS).
Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH) in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at 1st Workshop of Korean Brain Bank Network (KBBN).
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, "Characterization of human dermal papilla cells in alginate spheres for hair follicle regeneration."
대학원 의과학과 학술대회, KNU SOM, Donghyun (in absence of Nanda).
Attendance at 38th MRC Seminar, “Successful Bio/Medical field Start-up Consideration.”
Korea Investment Partners, Dr. Hyun Gyu Lee, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, " Heterogeneous domains drive rapid spatiotemporal hair growth patterning."
Department of Health Sciences Research,
Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, Dr. Alexej Abyzov.
2018.06.25 - 07.04
Invited collaboration work, Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Ji Won.
2018.6.15 - 8.30
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
Invited talk 무돌 세미나, " The heterogeneous property of hair follicles and skin domain"
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Dr. Kyung A Cho.
8th Korea Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS) Symposium.
Invited Lecture 1, “Heterogeneous Domains Driving Rapid Spatiotemporal Hair Growth Patterning.”
Invited Lecture 2, “모발줄기세포에 대한 이해와 적용”
VISTA WAlKERHILL Hotel in Seoul, Korea.
Workshop for Laboratory Animal Experiments. KNU. June Hyug.
Invited lecture, "Basic Anatomy"
Department of Physical Education, Catholic University of Daegu, Dr. Eun-Ju Choi.
G1's lab Invites 10X Chromium genome solution experts (Chole Jung) from DAON 10X Genomics, Seoul, Korea.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Eui-Cheol Shin from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea.
Invited lecture, "The trends in hair stem cell biology" (모낭복제 기술 여기까지 왔다)
The 28th Korean association for laser, dermatology and trichology (KALDAT) conference, Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas, Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration work in Macrogen, lnc. Ji Won, Jeong-Woo and Nanda.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Joon-Yong An from Department of Psychiatry, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, USA.
Teacher's day! Ice cream and cake party!
Invited lecture, "Hair follicle pattern: from single independent organ to dynamic interactive organs"
The 6th Gwangju-Boston Joint Cardiology Symposium, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Dr. Yong Sook Kim.
Invited lecture, "The heterogenous skin domain interactions in hair follicles"
Korea Research Institute Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Dr. Young Bae Ryu.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Young Seok Ju from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea.
Training mentorship time for Yeungnam High School Students. Ji Won.
Donghyun starts PhD course in KNU.
Byung Kwon Lee joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
Invited talk, "The faster hair cycling can be induced by the heterogenous skin domain interactions."
The 12th Annual Symposium in Institute of Human-Environment Interface Biology (IHEIB), International Symposium on Translational Medicine for Skin and Hair, Seoul National University Hospital.
G1's lab Invites Dr. JongHyuk Lee from Department of Big data engineering, Daegu Catholic University.
Invited lecture, "The recent advance of hair follicle stem cells for hair transplantation surgeon"
Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
Lightning talk "오지의 마법사"
2nd Mad Science Festival, Seoul Science Center, Seoul.
G1's Lab New year
and Welcome party for Suwan at 박선장 and 소나무향.
Invited consult work in KAIST, Prof. Young Seok Ju. Ji Won.
Noh Suwan joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
Workshop for Medical Education, KNU, Ji Won.
Invited lecture, "Introduction of Anatomy and Physiology."
Department of Physical Education, Catholic University of Daegu, Dr. Eun-Ju Choi.
Best Academic Award, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Ji Won.
G1's Lab Lunch day 진흥 반점 - 전국 3대 짬뽕 맛집
G1's Lab Annual Skating day.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Tae-Gyun Kim from Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, Nanda and Ji Won.
Prof. Ji Won Oh: "Domain specific communication of the hair follicles."
Nanda: "Transcriptome network analysis of Macrodactyly are highly related with lipid metabolism."
The 17th Hamamatsu-Kyungpook Joint Medical Symposium, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine.
Nanda and Ji Won.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Yongsoo Kim from The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
G1's Lab pork belly party(삽겹살 파티) at 소나무향. Welcome Party for Donghyun!
G1's lab Invites Dr. Taejeong Bae from Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, USA.
Donghyun Kim joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
Presentation, "A multi-scale model for hair follicles reveals skin-wide landscapes of hair regeneration."
10th World Congress for Hair Research 2017, Kyoto, Japan.
2017 기증 시신 합동위령제, Kyungpook National University.
Collaboration work with Prof. Sowon Kim at Catholic Kwandong University.
Invited talk, "Future perspective of tissue clearing methods."
Wide River Institute of Immunology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Dr. Young Min Oh.
Invited talk, "The faster hair cycling can be induced by the spatiotemporal dynamics of heterogeneous skin domain interactions."
Korea Institute of Toxicology, Dr. Sun Hyun Park.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST, Korea.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Yeo Jung Moon from Intervest, Korea.
Invited talk, "The spatiotemporal dynamics of heterogeneous skin domain interactions."
Department of New Biology, DGIST, Prof. Jong Kyoung Kim.
The 3rd EXPERT 공동 WORKSHOP "임상의를 위한 유전체 분석", Samsung Medical Center, Jeong-Woo.
Chief Technology Officer (CTO), BINAREE, Inc. Ji Won.
G1's lab Alumni reunion, take pictures at KNU SOM.
Jeong-Woo starts PhD course in KNU.
Invited workshop instructor, "Translational transcriptome analysis hands-on workshop"
Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Dongwoo and Ji Won.
Kyungpook National University, Graduate School of Science and Technology Conference, Daegu (poster presentation: p-13). Nanda.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Seock Hwan Choi.
The 1st Pohang Biology Group (PBG) Symposium. Pohang Biotech Center, POSTECH. Ji Won.
Invited lecture, "Skin stem cells"
Division of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology
Department of Life Sciences. POSTECH, Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
Invited talk, "The spatiotemporal dynamics of hair growth patterning reveals the heterogeneous skin domain interactions between different organ"
Division of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology
Department of Life Sciences. POSTECH, Prof. Seung-Woo Lee.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo from Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Cambridge, UK.
Collaboration work with Prof. Sangwan Kim at Ajou University.
G1's lab Chinese food day at 기산반점.
Ji Won and Jeong-Woo publish the paper at Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology. Congratulation!!
Ji Won and Jeong-Woo publish the paper at Immune Network. Congratulation!!
First scientific discussion meeting with Binaree, Inc.
Ji Won publishes the paper at eLife. Congratulation!!
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. June Hyug.
G1's lab academic week starts!!
Invited talk, "Hair follicle pattern: from a single independent organ to dynamic interactive organs"
2017 Spring Colloquium, KAIST Graduate School of Nanoscience & Technology.
Collaboration work with Prof. Philhan Kim and Prof. Young Seok Ju in KAIST. Ji Won and Jeong-Woo.
Workshop for Laboratory Animal Experiments. KNU. Nanda, Jung Min, Jeong-Woo and Min Joo.
G1's lab Noodle day at 잔치국수집.
Teacher's day!
Ice cream and cake party!
Dr. Dongwoo Yang joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
G1's lab Alumni reunion, watch baseball game (SK:Samsung) at Daegu Samsung Lions Park.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sungyong You from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, USA.
G1's lab webpage opens officially.
G1's Lab pork belly party(삽겹살 파티) at 소나무향 with Prof. Hyun Su Lee.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Philhan Kim and Prof. Young Seok Ju.
G1's Lab Chinese food day at 기산 반점.
Invited talk, "신진 연구 활성화 방안과 개선 방안"
8th Academic Forum, Severance Hospital Cancer Center, Seoul. National Academy of Medicine of Korea.
Jeong-Woo Choi publishes the paper at Molecular Human Reproduction. Congratulation!!
June Hyug and Jung Min start Master course in KNU.
Nanda starts PhD course in KNU.
Jeong-Woo Choi joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
First Annual Skin Symposium, University of California Irvine.
Graduate school welcome party at KNU SOM, Nanda, June Hyug and Jung Min.
2017.2.7 ~ 24
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
2017.02.03 ~04.
2016 동계의학 교육 세미나, The K hotel, KNU SOM.
Podcast 원조 할매 과학 다방 on the air.
Invited talk "Hair follicle interacts with other organs: Inter-organ communication medium"
Laboratory of Immunology & Infectious Diseases, KAIST, Prof. Eui-Cheol Shin.
진료실 밖 의사들 세미나, Noom Korea.
Meets Jeong-Woo Choi. 1st Mad Science Festival, Seoul.
Invited talk "털털한 줄기 세포 이야기"
1st Mad Science Festival, Hyungji Vision Center, Seoul.
G1's Lab Annual Skating day.
G1's Lab Lunch and Cafe day 진흥 반점 - 전국 3대 짬뽕 맛집, 광야의 도시.
G1's Lab New year chicken day at G1's Lab(처가집 치킨 배달).
Wook Heo joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
G1's lab year-end party at 고전 한정식.
Jeong-Moo Academic Award, 정무학술 장학 재단, 甲乙 international group.Ji Won
G1's lab Invites Prof. Philhan Kim.
20th anniversary of Hair Transplantation Center at Kyungpook National University Hospital.
G1's Lab Pizza day.
G1's Lab Lunch at "동성로 자연별곡" and Movie day "Doctor. Strange."
Invited talk, "Bioinformatical analysis and mathematical aspect in hair research"
8th KSID research camp, SangNok Hotel, Cheonan, KSID.
2016 기증 시신 합동위령제, Kyungpook National University.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Namgoong Suk.
Invited consultation "Confocal microscopy of hair follicle and skin"
Laser & Bio Optic Engineering Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering, KNU, Lee Ho.
Invited panel "기초 연구의 위기, 해결책은 없는가"
105th 과실연 Open Forum, National Assembly Member's Office Building, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "Hair follicle as an excitable medium interacts with other organs"
Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University Hostpital, Prof. Ohsang Kwon.
G1's Lab 일미 chicken day at 일미 통닭 (대구 맛집) with Prof. Jae-Ho Lee.
Education for Laboratory Animals, KAFLA. Nanda, Jung Min, June Hyug and Min Joo.
G1's lab publishes the paper at Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. Congratulation!!
Podcast 오마매 바이오톡 Biotalk.kr on the air.
Incucyte Incubator Training, Kyungpook National University. Nanda.
Education for Laboratory Animals, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu. Nanda.
2016.6.19 - 8.30
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won and June Hyug.
June Hyug Choi joins G1's lab. Welcome!!
G1's Lab 족발 day at 칠성시장
Min Joo Shin and Hyeon Sung Lee join G1's lab. Welcome!!
Assistant professor, Hair transplantation Center, KNUH.
Invited talk, "Dynamics of the post-transplantational hair follicles and stages"
International Congress of the KSHRS, Kim Koo Museum & Library, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "A Guide to Studying Hair Follicle Cycle: Human and Animal."
Seoul Hair Forum, Seoul ST. Mary’s Hospital. KHRS.
Workshop for Methods of Experimental Animal in KNU, Nanda and Jung Min.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju.
Invited talk "Journey for the hair follicles and skin propagation wave"
in In Vivo Micro-Visualization Laboratory, KAIST, Prof. Philhan Kim.
G1's Lab remodeling!
G1's Lab Korean Food day at 웰빙고급한식뷔페.
G1's Lab 깁밥 day at 김밥카페.
Training for Animal Researchers in Keimyung University, Ji Won Oh, Nanda and Jung Min.
2016학년도 의과대학/의학전문대학원 신임교수연수회 참가, Gyeongju Hilton hotel.
Training for Nuance multispectral tissue microscopy, Jung Min.
Yong Hyun Lee, SooWoong Huh, Se Jin Park and Hyo Jin Jung join G1's lab. Welcome!!
Nanda Maya Mali and Jung Min Park join G1's lab. Welcome!!
G1's Lab officially starts!
Ancient History and Pictures
G1's Lab sushi party at 박선장.
2021.11.20 의과대학 수시 면접 위원, KNU School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 2021.11.08 Attendance at seminar, "How dietary nutrients are metabolized and distributed across organs.", KNU, WebEX. 2021.11.05 Invited lecture, "New lineage tracing tools for the human developmental biology." Joint Institute for Regenerative Medicine (JIRM), KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.11.04 G1's lab Invites Dr. Hye Rin Na from TONY investment, Seoul, Korea. "How start-ups are changing the world", Biomedical Science Seminar, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.10.28
G1's Lab BBQ party at 소나무향.
2021.10.26 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 이사회" 2021.10.20 Ji Won publish the paper at "Nature Communications", Congratulation!! 2021.10.20 KNU School of Medicine (KNU SOM) Entrepreneur meeting. 2021.10.17 Attendance at "Korean Hair Research Society(KHRS) 이사회" 2021.10.16~10.17 Attendance at "Korean Dermatological Association (KDA)'s The 73rd Autumn meeting", InterContinental Seoul COEX, Seoul, Korea. 2021.10.13 Attendance at "삼성미래기술육성재단 2021년 2차 선정 연구책임자 간담회", WebEX. 2021.10.11 "삼성미래기술육성사업 2021년 2차(Samsung Science & Technology Foundationt)" 기초과학분야 지원과제 선정. 2021.10.01 Promoted to associate professor! Congratulations on the promotion of Professor Ji Won Oh!!! 2021.09.30 Attendance at “2021년 식품의약품안전처 의약품 허가특허연계제도 교육-심화 과정” Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA), Zoom. 2021.09.29 Attendance at “2021년 식품의약품안전처 의약품 허가특허연계제도 교육-기초 과정” Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA), Zoom. 2021.09.29 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.09.24 Attendance at seminar, "Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy (Theranostics) with Copper-64 and Copper-67 Complexes", KNU, WebEX. 2021.09.23 Invited lecture, "The Use of Animal Models in Studying Human Disease", Biomedical Science Seminar. Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Invitation by Prof. Obin Kwon. 2021.09. 21 Ji Won publish the paper at "The Spine Journal", Congratulation!! 2021.09.16 BRIC 한빛사 Interview, Korea. Nanda. 2021.09.10~09.11 Collaboration meeting "NK cells: Bench to Clinic" with Prof. Hyo Jin Kang and Prof. Kyong-Wook Yi. Korea University Ansan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.09.06-09.07 Invited to Session Chairs, "Session 1. Single Cell Genomics", The 30th KOGO Annual Conference, Virtual Symposium(Zoom). 2021.09.02 Youtube interview with KNU Hospital. 2021.09.01 Attendance at seminar, "How to Get Published in the Cell Press Journal", Cell Press. 2021.08.27 First scientific meeting with Prof. Sekyu Choi from Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea. 2021.08.27 Invited lecture, "Clonal dynamics in early human embryogenesis inferred from somatic mutation" Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE), KNU College of Pharmacy Medical Research Center(MRC), WebEX. 2021.08.26 Oral presentation, "Human blastocyst lineage tracing map for understanding early human embryogenesis" "삼성미래기술육성사업 2021년 2차(Samsung Science & Technology Foundationt)" 기초과학분야 선정 심사 발표. 2021.08.25 Ji Won, Nanda, Jeong-Woo, Jung Min, Donghyun, June Hyug, Seong Gyu, Joo Hee publish the paper at "Nature", Congratulation!! 2021.08.24 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 상임 이사회", Zoom. 2021.08.21 Invited lecture, Jung Min and Mee Sook. Dr. Mee Sook Jun: "Hair research using drug repurposing" Jung Min Park: "Lineage tracing of hair stem cell using 3D-tissue clearing" The Korean Hair Research Society (KHRS)'s 19th Hair Forum, Star Ballroom, 8th floor, Yousung Hotel, Daejeon, Korea. Areum, Jung Min, Mee Sook and Ji Won. 2021.07.23 매일신문 interview, Research Institute, Immunesquare Inc., Gyeongsan, Korea. 2021.07.16~07.17 Invited lecture, "The human embryonic lineage tracing by Spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Korean Working Group on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences of The Korean Society of Cardiology. Conference Room 3, Exhibition Center 2, BEXCO, Busan, Korea. 2021.07.16 Attendance at "The BK21 Four Program hosted an Invited Seminar", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.07.16 Attendance at "교수개발 세미나", Prof. Dong Ho Park from Department of Ophthalmology, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 2021.07.09 KNU School of Medicine (KNU SOM) Entrepreneur meeting, Ji Won. 2021.06.30 Completes "LMO 책임자 교육", Ji Won. 2021.06.26 Invited lecture, Prof. Ji Won Oh: "Long hair and lineage tracing." Dr. Mee Sook Jun: "Methodological approach for developing new hair restoration drug base on drug repositioning." Symposium at Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS), On-line 학술대회. 2021.06.26 Attendance at "Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery(KSHRS) 학술부이사 meeting" 2021.06.25 Attendance at "제1회 뇌클러스터 실무 교육 프로그램", Online. Mi Kyung Choi, JaeEun Shin, CheolMin Jeon, Joo hee Hong, Seong Gyu Kwon, Jeong-Woo Choi, Dr. Mee Sook Jun and Ji Won. 2021.06.24 First collaboration meeting with Prof. Hyongbum Henry Kim, Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Seong Gyu Kwon and Ji Won. 2021.06.18 Attendance at "Hair Transplantation Center-Immunology lab faculty meeting", Cheongdo, Korea. 2021.06.10 Invited panel, "창업가 토크콘서트". Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea. 2021.06.07 Attendance at seminar, "SW capstone design mentoring" - Jae-soon Park, Daegu Catholic University 소프트웨어중심사업단, Zoom. 2021.06.04 Attendance at "대구경북 임상실습 CPX 모의 테스트 평가위원", 대구경북 임상수행평가 컨소시엄. 2021.06.04 Attendance at "의사과학자 운영위원회 회의", Online. 2021.05.30 Invited lecture, "The domain specific murine skin pattern and hair cycle evolution" The Korean Hair Research Society (KHRS), Hotel Samjung 2F Geranium Hall, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.28 Invited lecture, "From the grave to the cradle : The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.27-05.29 Collaboration meeting with Prof. Heon Yung Gee from Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2021.05.27 Attendance at "2021 융합형 의사과학자 양성 사업 설명회", Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI), Youtube. 2021.05.25 G1's lab Invites Prof. Jae-Ho Lee from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Osteology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.24 Ji Won publish the paper at "Current Biology", Congratulation!! 2021.05.20 G1's lab Invites Sook Lee from PhileKorea Technology. “nanoString Day: Spatial Genomics research - Understanding nanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler”, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.18 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyong Bum Kim from Department of Pharmacology, Yonsei University College of Medicine. “Predicting the Efficiencies and Outcomes of Genome Editing and time-recording using Cas9” Medical Science Seminar, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.05.07-05.08 Invited panel, “창업가 토크 콘서트” Kumoh National Institute of Technology" (KNIT), Gumi, Korea. 2021.05.07 Attendance at 7th Gwanju-Boston Joint Cardiology Symposium, “Clonal dynamics in early human embryogenesis inferred from somatic mutation", Chonnam National University, Cell Regeneration Research Center (CRRC), Mudeung Park Convention Hall 4F(Online), Gwangju, Korea. 2021.05.04 G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Digestive System and Nutrition” KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.30 First meeting with Prof. Hyo Jin Kang from Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. and Prof. Kyong-Wook Yi from Korea University Ansan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.28 Attendance at "Korean Hair Research Society(KHRS) 이사간담회", Seoul Dragon City, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.27 G1's lab Invites Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Human Sense”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.27 Farewell party for Dr. Heejun Jung! Congratulation for the job!! 2021.04.25-04.26 Invited lecture, "Essentials of Hair Follicle Anatomy II. Schematic View of Follicle Regeneration" The Korean Associtation for Laser, Dermatology and Trichology (KALDAT), COEX 3F Hall C, Seoul, Korea. 2021.04.22-04.24 Discussion on collaboration with Prof. So Won Kim from Department of Pharmacology, Ulsan University, Ulsan, Korea. 2021.04.21 Oral presentation, "From dead to birth: The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. Prof. Sung-Yup Cho, Prof. Obin Kwon and Ji Won. 2021.04.20 Attendance at seminar, "Merz Institute Expert Digital", Virtual Expert Summit. 2021.04.13 G1's lab Invites Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Gangwon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Medical Toxicology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.06 G1's lab Invites Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Gangwon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Medical Pharmacology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.04.01 Oral presentation, "Evolution of Corona Virus based on variant lineage tracing" 2021 Spring Symposium, Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine(KSLM), Online Symposium. 2021.03.30 First meeting with Dr. Hye Rin Na from TONY investment, Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.30 G1's lab Invites Dr. Seongyeol Park from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Basic of Internal Medicine 1” KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.25 Attendance at "의학교육 질 관리 위원회" for the accreditation of medical education, Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation (KIMEE). 2021.03.24 AZ vaccination(1st) for COVID19. 2021.03.23 G1's lab Invites Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, “Basic of Neurology”, KNU Graduate School of Investigative Science, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.18 Attendance at seminar, "Antibody engineering for the development of therapeutic antibodies", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.03.11 Attendance at R&D seminar, "연구개발사업 과제설명회" with Seegene Inc., Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.04 Invited panel, "모발이식 이미지 AI 미팅", DATAWAY Inc., Seoul, Korea. 2021.03.03 G1's Lab new members introduction lunch, JaeEun, Geon Hue, Areum, CheolMin, Ji Won. 2021.03.02 JaeEun Shin, Areum Jo, Geon Hue Bae and CheolMin Jeon starts Master Course in KNU Welcome!! 2021.02.26 Oral presentation, "Developmental asymmetric division of zygote from dead body cell lineage tracing" KNUH 원내 과제 성과 발표, Bio-Medical Research Institute (BMRI) KNUH, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02. 19 Nanda publish the paper at "Ph.D. Thesis", Congratulation!! 2021.02.19 PhD Graduation, Biomedical Science, KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02. 12 Ji Won publish the paper at "Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy", Congratulation!! 2021.02.04 Attendance at "Winter Medical Education Seminar", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.02.03 Attendance at KNU College of Pharmacy Medical Research Center(MRC) seminar, "Vessel-Organ Interaction Research Center (VOICE) Public Presentation of Research Progress and Periodic Evaluation", WebEX. 2021.02.02 Meeting with Dr. Sunhyun Park from Korea Institute of Toxicology (KITOX). 2021.02.02 Meeting with Prof. Tae Hyung Kim and Prof. Jae Hyun Jun, Ji Won. 2021.02.01 Mi Kyung Choi joins G1’s lab. Welcome!! 2021.02.01 Gyung Choon Lee joins G1’s lab. Welcome!! 2021.01.26 Meeting with Prof. Yongsoo Kim, Amsterdam University Medical Center(Amsterdam UMC), Amsterdam Area, Netherlands. 2021.01.26 First discussion with Mi Kyung Choi. 2021.01.25 First collaboration meeting with Prof. Ho Lee from Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNU, Regional Leading Research Center(RLRC). 2021.01.22 Attendance at "대한심장학회 기초과학연구회 동계심포지엄 2021" GRAND BALLROOM 백두 section 3,4, Seoul Dragoncity, Seoul, Korea. 2021.01.21 First scientific discussion with Gyung Choon Lee (Clinical Research Nurse). 2021.01.19-01.20 Attendance at "R&D budget briefing" 2021.01.18 G1 Lab Invited the lecture, "Microbiota-gut-brain axis", KNU, WebEX. 2021.01.18 First scientific discussion with Se Young Lee. 2021.01.09 Attendance at "2021 lecture workshop", KNU, Daegu, Korea. 2021.01.08 G1 Lab Invited the lecture, "Organs-on-Chips for Drug Development" ,KNU, WebEX. 2021.01.06 Donghyun starts alternative service as technical research personnel, PDXen Biosystems Co. Suwon, Korea. 2021.01.04 G1's Lab New year party, eating 마라탕.

Published at Nature! (2021.9.16)
2020.09.18 Dead body sample collection in Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital

Training mentorship time for Neungin High School Students. Ji Won
Selected as Tech Valley Company from 2019 Tech-Valley Network, KIBO.
Samjung Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
G1’s lab Alumni party with Ji Won, Yong Hyun, SooWoong, Se Jin, Hyo Jin, and Suwan.
Daegu medical start-up & Job application business performance presentation.
Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI) in Daegu, Korea.
KNU Center for Teaching & Learning in Daegu, Korea with Prof. Bong Hyun Chang.
“해부학 수업에서 학생중심 평가문제 제작 소그룹 수업이 학업성취도와 수업 만족도에 미치는 영향”
KNU Center for Teaching & Learning in Daegu, Korea.
G1’s lab Welcome Party for Joo Hee & Seong Gyu
DGMIF – KNU School of Medicine Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
G1's lab Membership Training at Mungyeong, JIGA Resort.
Invited talk. "Asymmetric division of zygote from dead body whole genome sequencing lineage tracing."
2019 2nd Korea Brain Bank Network (KBBN) Clinicpathology Symposium at Korea Brain Research Institute in Daegu, Korea
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sang-Yeob Kim from Asan Medical Center "광학영상에서의 중개연구."
Dr. Jun Hyung Park from Dt& Sano Medics. "From Bench to Clinic (CRO 업무 소개)."
Open Lab at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at 무돌 세미나 "A synthetic biology approach to enzyme engineering."
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting.
Invited lecture. "기증된 시신의 DNA 유전자 서열 빅데이터 분석을 통한 우리 몸의 기원 찾기."
Department of Big Data Engineering, Daegu Catholic University, Prof. JongHyuk Lee.
Open Lab KNU School of Medicine.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Ji Won, Jooyoung, Nanda, Jeong-Woo, Donghyun, Jung Min, and Joo Hee.
Attendance at Dynamic Innovator "Understanding intellectual property rights for Start-ups."
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
Invited lecture. "The human cellular lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies."
Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. Prof. Kang-Yell Choi , Dr Soung-Hoon Lee.
2019 위령제, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
69th Annual Meeting Korean Association of Anatomists.
The Ocean Resort, Yeosu, Korea. Ji Won, Jooyoung, Jung Min, Jeong-Woo and Nanda
"From dead body to birth : The human embryonic lineage tracing by spontaneous early postzygotic variants in dead bodies" Ji Won
"Deep tissue clearing imaging for 3D analysis of the murine vasculature system" Nanda
"High-intensity ladder-climbing resistance exercise suppresses exacerbation of dermatitis in mice" Jooyoung
"In vivo study of mouse skin pattern development" Jung Min
"Signature genes in macrodactyly through transcriptome network analysis reveal their association of lipid metabolism" Jeong-Woo
G1's lab Invites Dr. Kung Ahn from Theragen inc. "NGS의 기초와 응용."
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Class Seminar.
Preliminary Startup Package Capacity Reinforcement Training.
Korea Technology Finance Corporation at Harim International Building Cozy Sapce in Seoul, Korea.
Attendance at Innovative New Drug Salon Daegu, Bridge Biotherapeutics, Inc. CEO Jungkue Lee.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Obin Kwon from Seoul National University College of Medicine.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea
Attendance at Dynamic Innovator “Accounting a practical affairs for start-ups”.
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju and Prof, Jong Kyoung Kim at DGIST.
Mentorship dinner for graduate students at DGIST.
Attendance at Opening Ceremony.
Y&ARCHER at The Second Main Daegu Bank Central Square. in Daegu, Korea.
Curry day!
Ji Won publishes the paper at The Journal of investigative dermatology. Congratulation!!
U-Tech Valley.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting.
Invited as an expert on Cadaver Law.
Korea National Institute For Bioethics Policy (KoNIBP) in Seoul, Korea. Hosted by Ministry Of Health & Welfare (MOHW).
LMO Education at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine.
Jeong-Woo, Jung Min and Donghyun.
Attendance at Amazon Start-up successful in America Lecture.
The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea. Hosted by Nextelligence, inc.
Attendance at Y&ARCHER mentor marketing lectures.
Invited talk, "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies."
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea. Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
Joo Hee Hong joins G1's Lab. Welcome!!
Meeting of 2019 Local University Excellence Scientists.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Daejeon, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Chang Hoon Seo.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
2019 Investment Forum.
Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel in Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Jong-Yeon Shin.
Macrogen, Inc. in Gyeonggi, Korea.
Invited talk. "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis" The Korean Society of Cardiology (KSC) 2019 Symposium at Bexco in Busan, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Young Bae Ryu, Director of Functional Bio Material Research Center.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Jeongeup, Korea.
Attendance at 무돌 세미나, "CD8 T cell's heterogeneity dicates divergent effector fates upon viral infection."
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
2019 Galderma CDE. Maison GLAD Hotel in Jeju, Korea.
Daegu Startup education.
Daegu Start-up Campus at The Second Main Daegu Bank in Daegu, Korea.
KNUSOM Enterpreneur meeting with Hyung-Soo Han, Seong Woo Jeon, Su-Kyeong Hwang & Ji Won Oh.
R&D Special Zone Start-up Campus Presentation.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Soung-Hoon Lee at Yonsei University.
BioCube start-up camp. Hosted by KoreaBio and Bluepoint partners.
Coex in Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Thermo Fisher in Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "3D Tissue Cleraring Methods for the Biomedical Research"
Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator (GBSA) in Suwon. Korea.
Invited lecture. "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis." Chonnam National University School of Medicine in Gwangju, Korea. Prof. Gwang Hyeon Eom and Prof. Hyun Kook.
Invited Talk "Human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies."
17th, GICS 2019 at Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju, Korea.
Attendance at Innovative New Drug Salon.
Dr. Tae Hyung Kim. Theragen Etex Bio Institute, Inc.
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, "From death to birth: human cellular lineage tracing by somatic variants in dead bodies to elucidate the human early embryogenesis."
The 19th Hamamatsu - Kyungpook joint Medical Symposium.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Immune Square, Inc. Ji Won.
Dr. Jooyoung Kim joins G1's Lab. Welcome!!
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sungyong You from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
“Toward Clinical Utility of Prostate Cancer Classifier Using A Circulating Tumor Cell-RNA Assay. “
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance Seminar, Prof Suk-Chul Bae. in Chungbuk National University (CBNU), Korea.
“RUNX3 regulates cell cycle-dependent chromatin dynamics by functioning as a pioneer factor of the restriction-point.“
Kyungpook National University Hospital Chilgok in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at Busan Pre-Entrepreneur Pre-Education Session.
Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development in Busan, Korea.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Chang-Won Hong from Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Introduction to Physiology and Immunology.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
Teacher's day! Cake party!
Attendance at Consulting in Daegu Bank.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Digestive System and Nutrition.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Shin Kim from Keimyung University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
“Human Sense.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Dr. Jeonghwan Youk in KAIST GSMSE, Korea.
“Basic of Internal Medicine 2”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Korea.
“Medical Toxicology”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Sung-Yon Kim from Seoul National University Dept of Chemistry, Korea.
“A neural mechanism for monitoring and controlling ingestion “
Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate school, Division of Biomedical Science , Bio-medical Seminar.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Hyung Jun Park from GangNeung Asan Hospital, Korea.
“Basic of Neurology.”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science .
G1's lab Invites, Dr. Seongyeol Park from KAIST GSMSE, Korea.
“Basic of Internal Medicine 1”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
2019. 03.28
Request For Proposal (RFP) Work Next-BioGroup.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. So Won Kim from Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine, Korea.
“Medical Pharmacology”
Introduction to Basic Medicine Seminar, Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School of Investigative Science.
G1's lab Invites, Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST, Korea
“Single genome sequencing of normal cells reveals developmental lineage trees of early human embryogenesis”
Kyungpook National Univ. Graduate School, Division of Bio-Medical Science , Bio-Medical Seminar.
G1’s Lab invites, Dr. Jin Kyeong Choi National Eye Institute of National Institutes of Health (NIH) in U.S.
“Inteleukin-27-producing B cells suppress CNS autoimmune disease.”
Kyounpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
2019. 03.22
Request For Proposal (RFP) Work Next-BioGroup.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea.
G1's lab picnic at Gyeongju.
Attendance at C-Quad Pre-Entrepreneur Package Information Session.
Daegu Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI) in Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju and Dr. Jong-Yeon Shin.
Macrogen, Inc. in Gyeonggi, Korea.
Request For Proposal (RFP) Work Next-BioGroup.
National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea.
Expert Advisory Council, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea in Seoul, Korea. Ji Won
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Research Deputy. Ji Won
Jung Min starts PhD course in KNU.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Tae-Don Kim and Dr. Moo-Seung Lee.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Daejeon, Korea.
Jung Min gets Master degree in KNU.
Invited talk, “From the death to the origin.”
BIO Institute Theragenetex BIO Institute (TBI) in Suwon, Korea. Dr. Tae Hyung Kim.
Invited talk, “3D Tissue Clearing Methods”
INTERPARK Bio-Convergence Center in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
2019 Osteology Camp at Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, “Current Advance in Tissue Clearing Methods”
KonKuk University (KU) GLOCAL Campus in Chungju, Korea.
Collaboration meeting.
Animals Genetic Resources Research Center of National Institute of Animal Science in Namwon, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Young Bae Ryu, Director of Functional Bio Material Research Center.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) in Jeongeup, Korea.
Invited talk, “3D Tissue Clearing Methods for the Biomedical Research.”
2019 International Congress on Regenerative Medicine in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary Celebration.
Joint Institute for Regenerative Medicine (JIRM) at Novotel Daegu, Korea.
Collaboration meeting with Prof. So Won Kim at Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) College of Medicine.
Collaboration meeting with INTERPARK Bio-Convergence Center.
Attendance at KSSCR 2019 Winter Conference in Konjiam Resort, Gwangju, Korea.

Invited talk, “Heterogeneity of Human and Mouse Skin.”
Gyeongsang National University (GNU) in Jinju, Korea. Prof. Ki Hun Park.
Collaboration meeting with Dr. Hyo-Jun Choo.
Poultry Research Institute of National Institute of Animal Science in Gangwon, Korea.
Areum Jo joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Invited lecture, “Hair Science and Cloning”
2018 The Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Course (APAAC) in Daegu EXCO, Korea.
MOU Signing, “Alzheimer and Vascular Dementia using Human Brain Bank Tissue”
KNU Chilgok Hospital Brain Bank and Binaree, Inc. in Daegu, Korea.
Invited workshop instructor, "2018 2nd Translational transcriptome analysis hands-on workshop"
Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology.
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, “The heterogeneous domain in the mammalian hair follicles and a human body”
2018 MRC 성과발표회 International meeting Room.
The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) Center in Seoul, Korea..
2018 위령제, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Ji Won and Nanda publish the paper at Applied Sciences. Congratulation!!
Attendance at 4th Workshop of The Korea Hair Research Society (KHRS).
Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH) in Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at 1st Workshop of Korean Brain Bank Network (KBBN).
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) Daegu, Korea.
Attendance at 38th MRC Seminar, “Successful Bio/Medical field Start-up Consideration.”
Korea Investment Partners, Dr. Hyun Gyu Lee, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine in Daegu, Korea.
Invited talk, " Heterogeneous domains drive rapid spatiotemporal hair growth patterning."
Department of Health Sciences Research,
Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, Dr. Alexej Abyzov.
2018.6.25 - 7.4
Invited collaboration work in Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic. Ji Won.
2018.6.15 - 8.30
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
Invited talk 무돌 세미나, " The heterogeneous property of hair follicles and skin domain"
KSMCB, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Dr. Kyung A Cho.
8th Korea Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS) Symposium.
Invited Lecture 1, “Heterogeneous Domains Driving Rapid Spatiotemporal Hair Growth Patterning.”
Invited Lecture 2, “모발줄기세포에 대한 이해와 적용”
VISTA WAlKERHILL Hotel in Seoul, Korea.
Workshop for Laboratory Animal Experiments. KNU. June Hyug.
Invited lecture, "Basic Anatomy"
Department of Physical Education, Catholic University of Daegu, Dr. Eun-Ju Choi
G1's lab Invites 10X Chromium genome solution experts (Chole Jung) from DAON 10X Genomics, Seoul, Korea.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Eui-Cheol Shin from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea.
Invited lecture, "The trends in hair stem cell biology" (모낭복제 기술 여기까지 왔다)
The 28th Korean association for laser, dermatology and trichology (KALDAT) conference, Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas, Seoul, Korea.
Collaboration work in Macrogen, lnc. Ji Won, Jeong-Woo and Nanda.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Joon-Yong An from Department of Psychiatry, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, USA.
Teacher's day! Ice cream and cake party!
Invited lecture, "Hair follicle pattern: from single independent organ to dynamic interactive organs"
The 6th Gwangju-Boston Joint Cardiology Symposium, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Dr. Yong Sook Kim.
Invited lecture, "The heterogenous skin domain interactions in hair follicles"
Korea Research Institute Bioscience and Biotechnology(KRIBB), Dr. Young Bae Ryu.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Young Seok Ju from KAIST GSMSE, Daejeon, Korea.
Training mentorship time for Yeungnam High School Students. Ji Won
Donghyun starts PhD course in KNU.
Byung Kwon Lee joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
Invited talk, "The faster hair cycling can be induced by the heterogenous skin domain interactions."
The 12th Annual Symposum in Institute of Human-Environment Interface Biology(IHEIB), International Symposium on Translational Medicine for Skin and Hair, Seoul National University Hospital.
G1's lab Invites Dr. JongHyuk Lee from Department of Big data engineering, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea.
Invited lecture, "The recent advance of hair follicle stem cells for hair transplantation surgeon"
Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
Lightning talk "오지의 마법사"
2nd Mad Science Festival, Seoul Science Center, Seoul.
G1's Lab New year
and Welcome party for Suwan at 박선장 and 소나무향
Invited consult work in KAIST, Dr. Ju. Ji Won.
Noh Suwan joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Workshop for Medical Education. KNU. Ji Won
Invited lecture, "Introduction of Anatomy and Physiology."
Department of Physical Education, Catholic University of Daegu, Dr. Eun-Ju Choi
Best Academic Award, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Ji Won

G1's Lab Lunch day 진흥 반점 - 전국 3대 짬뽕 맛집
G1's Lab Annual Skating day.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Tae-Gyun Kim from Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "Domain specific communication of the hair follicles."
The 17th Hamamatsu-Kyungpook Joint Medical Symposium, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine.
G1's lab Invites Dr. Yongsoo Kim from The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
G1's Lab pork belly party(삽겹살 파티) at 소나무향. Welcome Party for Donghyun!
G1's lab Invites Dr. Taejeong Bae from Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, USA.
Donghyun Kim joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Presentation, "A multi-scale model for hair follicles reveals skin-wide landscapes of hair regeneration."
10th World Congress for Hair Research 2017, Kyoto, Japan
2017 기증 시신 합동위령제, Kyungpook National University.
Collaboration work with Prof. Sowon Kim at Catholic Kwandong University.
Invited talk, "Future perspective of tissue clearing methods."
Wide River Institute of Immunology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Dr. Young Min Oh.
Invited talk, "The faster hair cycling can be induced by the spatiotemporal dynamics of heterogeneous skin domain interactions."
Korea Institute of Toxicology, Dr. Sun Hyun Park.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Young Seok Ju from KAIST, Korea.
Jeong-Woo and Ji Won publish the paper at Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology. Congratulation!!
G1's lab Invites Dr. Yeo Jung Moon from Intervest, Korea.
Invited talk, "The spatiotemporal dynamics of heterogeneous skin domain interactions."
Department of New Biology, DGIST, Prof. Jong Kyoung Kim.
The 3rd EXPERT 공동 WORKSHOP "임상의를 위한 유전체 분석", Samsung Medical Center, Jeong-Woo.
Chief Technology Officer (CTO), BINAREE, Inc. Ji Won.
Ji Won and Jeong-Woo publish the paper at Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology. Congratulation!!
Jeong-Woo and Ji Won publish the paper at Immune Network. Congratulation!!
G1's lab Alumni reunion, take pictures at KNU SOM.
Jeong-Woo starts PhD course in KNU.
Invited workshop instructor, "Translational transcriptome analysis hands-on workshop"
Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Dongwoo and Ji Won.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Seock Hwan Choi.
The 1st Pohang Biology Group (PBG) Symposium. Pohang Biotech Center, POSTECH. Ji Won.
Invited lecture, "Skin stem cells"
Division of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology
Department of Life Sciences. POSTECH, Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo.
Invited talk, "The spatiotemporal dynamics of hair growth patterning reveals the heterogeneous skin domain interactions between different organ"
Division of Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology
Department of Life Sciences. POSTECH, Prof. Seung-Woo Lee
G1's lab Invites Dr. Bon-Kyoung Koo from Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Cambridge, UK.
Collaboration work with Prof. Sangwan Kim at Ajou university.
G1's lab Chinese day at 기산반점.
Ji Won and Jeong-Woo publish the paper at Immune Network. Congratulation!!
First scientific discussion meeting with Binary, Inc.
Ji Won publishes the paper at eLife. Congratulation!!
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. June Hyug.
G1's lab academic week starts!!!!
Invited talk, "Hair follicle pattern: from a single independent organ to dynamic interactive organs"
2017 Spring Colloquium, KAIST Graduate School of Nanoscience & Technology.
Collaboration work with Prof. Philhan Kim and Prof. Young Seok Ju in KAIST. Ji Won and Jeong-Woo.
Workshop for Laboratory Animal Experiments. KNU. Nanda, Jung Min, Jeong-Woo and Min Joo.
G1's lab Noodle day at 잔치국수집.
Teacher's day!
Icecream and cake party!
Dr. Dongwoo Yang joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
G1's lab Alumni reunion, watch baseball game (SK:Samsung) at Daegu Samsung Lions Park.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Sungyong You from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, USA.
G1's lab webpage opens officially.
G1's Lab pork belly party(삽겹살 파티) at 소나무향 with Prof. Hyun Su Lee.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Philhan Kim and Prof. Young Seok Ju.
G1's Lab Chinese food day at 기산 반점
Invited talk, "신진 연구 활성화 방안과 개선 방안"
8th Academic Forum, Severance Hospital Cancer Center, Seoul. National Academy of Medicine of Korea.
Jeong-Woo Choi publishes the paper at Molecular Human Reproduction. Congratulation!!
June Hyug and Jung Min start Master course in KNU.
Nanda starts PhD course in KNU.
Jeong-Woo Choi joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
First Annual Skin Symposium, University of California Irvine.
Graduate school welcome party at KNU SOM, Nanda, June Hyug and Jung Min.
2017.2.7 ~ 24
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won.
2017.2.3 ~4.
2016 동계의학 교육 세미나, The K hotel, KNU SOM.
Podcast 원조 할매 과학 다방 on the air.
Invited talk "Hair follicle interacts with other organs: Inter-organ communication medium"
Laboratory of Immunology & Infectious Diseases, KAIST, Prof. Eui-Cheol Shin.
진료실 밖 의사들 세미나, Noom Korea.
Meets Jeong-Woo Choi.1st Mad Science Festival, Seoul.
Invited talk "털털한 줄기 세포 이야기"
1st Mad Science Festival, Hyungji Vision Center, Seoul.
G1's Lab Annual Skating day.
G1's Lab Lunch and,Cafe day 진흥 반점 - 전국 3대 짬뽕 맛집, 광야의 도시.
G1's Lab New year chicken day at G1's Lab(처가집 치킨 배달).
Wook Heo joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!

G1's lab year-end party at 고전 한정식.
Jeong-Moo Academic Award, 정무학술 장학 재단, 甲乙 international group.Ji Won
G1's lab Invites Prof. Philhan Kim.
20th anniversary of Hair Transplantation Center at Kyungpook National University Hospital.
G1's Lab Pizza day.
G1's Lab Lunch at "동성로 자연별곡" and Movie day "Doctor. Strange."
Invited talk, "Bioinformatical analysis and mathematical aspect in hair research"
8th KSID research camp, SangNok Hotel, Cheonan, KSID.
2016 기증 시신 합동위령제, Kyungpook National University.
G1's lab Invites Prof. Namgoong Suk.
Invited consultation "Confocal microscopy of hair follicle and skin"
Laser & Bio Optic Engineering Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering, KNU, Lee Ho.
Invited panel "기초 연구의 위기, 해결책은 없는가"
105th 과실연 Open Forum, National Assembly Member's Office Building, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "Hair follicle as an excitable medium interacts with other organs"
Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University Hostpital, Prof. Ohsang Kwon.
G1's Lab 일미 chicken day at 일미 통닭 (대구 맛집) with Prof. Jae Ho Lee.
Education for Laboratory Animals, KAFLA. Nanda, Jung Min, June Hyug and Min Joo.
G1's lab publishes the paper at Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy.
Podcast 오마매 바이오톡 Biotalk.kr on the air.
2016.6.19 - 8.30
Collaboration work in University of California Irvine. Ji Won and June Hyug.
June Hyug Choi joins G1's lab. Welcome!!!
G1's Lab 족발 day at 칠성시장
Min Joo Shin and Hyeon Sung Lee join G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Assistant professor, Hair transplantation Center, KNUH.
Invited talk, "Dynamics of the post-transplantational hair follicles and stages"
International Congress of the KSHRS, Kim Koo Museum & Library, Seoul, Korea.
Invited talk, "A Guide to Studying Hair Follicle Cycle: Human and Animal."
Seoul Hair Forum, Seoul ST. Mary’s Hospital. KHRS.
Workshop for Methods of Experimental Animal in KNU, Nanda and Jung Min.
First scientific discussion meeting with Prof. Young Seok Ju.
Invited talk "Journey for the hair follicles and skin propagation wave"
in In Vivo Micro-Visualization Laboratory, KAIST, Prof. Philhan Kim.
G1's Lab remodeling!
G1's Lab Korean Food day at 웰빙고급한식뷔페.
G1's Lab 깁밥 day at 김밥카페.
Training for Animal Researchers in Keimyung University, Ji Won Oh, Nanda and Jung Min.
2016학년도 의과대학/의학전문대학원 신임교수연수회 참가, Gyeongju Hilton hotel.
Training for Nuance multispectral tissue microscopy, Jung Min.
Yong Hyun Lee, SooWoong Huh, Se Jin Park and Hyo Jin Jung join G1's lab. Welcome!!!
Nanda Maya Mali and Jung Min Park join G1's lab. Welcome!!!
G1's Lab officially starts!

Lab of Lineage Tracing !